В чем разница между painting и drawing. В чем разница между paint и draw? Упражнение на закрепление

Помните, как в детстве мы все любили рисовать? Сегодня мы поговорим о двух английских словах draw и paint. Оба слова мы можем перевести как «рисовать», однако разница между ними есть. Какая? Читайте в статье.


Произношение и перевод:

Paint / [пеинт] - рисовать/красить

Значение слова:
Создавать картину, дизайн, используя краску

Мы используем paint , когда говорим, что занимаемся живописью, то есть изображаем что-либо красками . Также это слово используется, когда мы красим какую-либо поверхность, раскрашиваем или закрашиваем что-либо. Например: Она взяла кисточку и начала рисовать.


I love to paint with watercolors
Я люблю рисовать акварельными красками.

She painted the walls white.
Она покрасила стены в белый.


Произношение и перевод:

Draw / [дроо] - рисовать/чертить

Значение слова:
Изображать что-либо, используя карандаш, ручку, фломастер и т.д.

Слово draw мы используем, когда рисуем что-либо карандашом, чернилами, ручкой и т.д. , либо чертим что-либо. Например: Девушка нарисовала карикатуру за 15 минут.


Draw a line on your paper.
Начерти линию на своей бумаге.

Child drew his family.
Ребенок нарисовал его семью.

В чем разница?

Слово paint мы используем, когда говорим об изображении чего-либо при помощи красок , то есть живописи. Либо когда мы раскрашиваем, закрашиваем, красим что-либо. Например: Ей нужно купить краску, чтобы нарисовать картину.

Слово draw мы используем, когда изображаем что-либо при помощи ручки или карандашей или чертим что-либо. Например: Она нарисовала схему своей квартиры.

Упражнение на закрепление

Вставьте нужные слова в следующие предложения:

1. ___ мне схему проезда.
2. Ей нужны краски, чтобы ___.
3. Он ___ его машину в синий цвет.
4. Художники часто ___ в метро незнакомых людей в блокнот.
5. Ребенок взял ручку и ___ слона на стене в комнате.
6. Эта картина ___ акварелью.
7. Девочка ___ изображение собаки в желтый цвет.
8. Детям дали карандаши и они сразу начали ___.

Свои ответы оставляйте в комментариях под статьей.

Drawing and Painting are two types of fine arts with many differences between them. Drawing is the basis of painting, and the converse is not true. You should be a good at drawing if you want to excel as a painter. This is the main difference between the two. This article attempts to emphasize the differences between drawing and painting while elaborating on each word.

What is Drawing?

It is important to know that drawing is characterized by lines and shades. Drawing is of different types such as line drawing, shade drawing and object drawing. A person who draws is called an . Drawing needs no turpentine oil, unlike painting. Pencil, crayons, and charcoal can be used in the art of drawing. You need not use a palette while drawing an object or a human figure.

Drawing needs no time to dry. Pencil drawings can be rubbed and redone quite easily because graphite can be easily erased. You need not use brushes in the case of drawing. As a matter of fact, scale and other measuring equipment are used in the case of drawing.

What is Painting?

Painting is characterized by colors and designs. Painting is of different types such as painting on canvas, oil painting on canvas, watercolor painting, acrylic painting and the like. You make use of turpentine oil in the case of painting. You need to have a palette while painting on canvas using oil colors. Oil colors, and types of pigments are used in the art of painting.

Painting needs sufficient time to dry. and acrylic cannot be very easily erased or altered. You need to have different kinds of brushes with different bristles in the case of painting.

A person who paints is called either an artist or a painter. It is also interesting to note that there is a market value for both drawing and painting works. Works of painting have a greater market value than the works of pencil and charcoal drawing. This is one of the reasons why painting is considered a very expensive . The painting equipment is expensive to buy when compared to drawing equipment. It is interesting to note that any art exhibition would hold both the types of artworks, namely drawings and paintings. This explains that there is a clear difference between drawing and painting. Now let us summarize the difference as follows.

What is the Difference Between Drawing and Painting?

Definitions of Drawing and Painting:

Drawing: Drawing refers to producing a picture by making lines on paper.

Painting: Painting refers to applying a liquid to a surface with a brush.

Characteristics of Drawing and Painting:


Drawing: Drawing is characterized by lines and shades.

Painting: Painting is characterized by colors and designs.


Drawing: Drawing is of different types such as line drawing, shade drawing and object drawing.

Painting: Painting is of different types such as painting on canvas, oil painting on canvas, watercolor painting, acrylic painting, etc.

Use of turpentine oil:

Drawing: Drawing needs no turpentine oil.

Painting: You make use of turpentine oil in the case of painting.

Usage of a palette:

Drawing: You need not use a palette while drawing an object or a human figure.

Painting: You need to have a palette while painting on canvas using oil colors.

Use of equipment:

Drawing: We can use crayons, pencils and charcoal for drawing.

Painting: Oil colors, acrylic and types of pigments are used in the art of painting.


Drawing: Pencil drawings can be rubbed and redone quite easily because graphite can be easily erased.

Painting: Oil painting and acrylic cannot be very easily erased or altered.


Drawing: A person who draws is called an artist.

Painting: A person who paints is called either an artist or a painter.

1. Drawing of a rabbit By Matt Sissel (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL ], via Wikimedia Commons

2. Birds Painting By Jean-Jacques Bachelier , via Wikimedia Commons

Paint chats are online chat rooms that allow its participants to draw together in real time while they chat. The chat box is usually at the bottom, with the drawing area on top. Paint chats generally attract the same demographics as Oekakis.… … Wikipedia

Paint.net - 3.36 Basisdaten … Deutsch Wikipedia

Paint - (p[=a]nt), v. t. to adorn. Cf. {Depict}, {Picture}, {Pigment}, {Pint} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

paint/draw a picture of - to create an idea or understanding of something or someone through words, facts, etc. The author paints a disturbing picture of life in the camp. These statistics paint a clear picture of how the population is aging. Main Entry: picture … Useful english dictionary

draw - [n] tie in competition dead end*, dead heat*, deadlock, even steven*, photo finish*, stalemate, standoff, tie; concept 706 draw move something by pulling attract, bring, carry, convey, cull, draft, drag, drain, educe, elicit, evoke, extract … New thesaurus

paint program - UK US noun computing a piece of software that allows a user to draw pictures on screen in different colours, with different styles of brush and special effects T … Useful english dictionary

paint - [n] tinted covering acrylic, chroma, color, coloring, cosmetic, dye, emulsion, enamel, flat, gloss, greasepaint, latex, makeup, oil, overlay, pigment, rouge, stain, tempera, varnish, veneer, wax; concepts 467,475 paint [v] apply colored tint,… … New thesaurus

paint a grim picture

draw a grim picture - paint/draw/present/a grim picture phrase to describe a situation in a way that shows how bad it is The report paints a grim picture of children’s homes. Thesaurus: to describe or define somethingsynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary

paint - I (Roget s IV) n. 1. Syn. coloring material, chroma, chlorophyll; see color 1 . Paints and colorings include artist s materials: oil, acrylic, pastel, gouache, crayon, charcoal, watercolor, ink, pencil, showcard color, tempera;… … English dictionary for students


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